Online and bored – read the news!

So you are online and bored. How about reading the news? Or should it be.. How about reading the news! ?

Online and bored – read the news!

That highlighted text is called a title. It’s there to emphasise the point. About news that is. The point being that for one who is bored, the thirst for continuous, inane yet stimulating fluff is an unquenchable one. When groping through the virtual world for sustenance, what better salve can we find than the modern news feed? It’s a tidal wave of pointless statements and confronting imagery, designed to pack your screen with the most stimulating entertainment punch possible, without breaking laws or drawing lawsuits.

Google has selflessly provided us with an online version of the continuous 24 hour news feed. The more control-oriented amongst us can make use of Google’s largesse to narrow our news story intake to those things which most interest us – whether that be a country, a topic, a human being or even a movie personality. Or two.

Online and bored – read to me!

Or you could have someone read the news too you. Does that mean we are too stupid to read the news ourselves? Does it mean we need some debonair, knowledgeable, competent and authoritative figure to help direct us from one news item to another?

Online and bored - Do we need figures of authority to read sentences for us?
Do we need figures of authority to read sentences for us?

Not that we are picking on news folk. It ain’t an easy job.

Here’s some more proof.

online and bored by a confused newsreader
Not sure why I’m holding this pack of paper but don’t you think it makes me look more important?

Of course we then encounter the issue of just who we want to read that news to us. Are we looking for intelligence, good looks, authority or leadership?

Keeping in mind Confucius and his suggestion that we do not look for all qualities in the one individual, what quality do you think these folk were hired for? Intelligence, lucidity or an extraordinary grasp of international affairs?

online and bored but not by hottie newsreaders
online and bored but not by hottie newsreaders
newsreader Melissa Theuriau
oops.. have we just tuned in to newsreader Melissa Theuriau again..? now why would we do that?

If you have not yet quite had enough of news from Melissa Theuriau then perhaps waste more more online minutes at a webpage devoted to this newsreading lady.

This guy’s name just has to be Earnest.

news presenter looking appropriately serious
news presenter looking appropriately serious

To perk you out of your  lethargic online trawling – how about a newsreader battle?

too serious for a newsreader
Apparently he doesn’t like attractive newsreaders…

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